In recent articles about file sharing, a few things have become very clear. What is the reason that the government and recording artists don't want you to share music files? Sure it has something to do with the lack of tax dollars it produces for the government and the loss in income for recording artists, but it also has a lot to do with the time and effort put forth to make these albums.
In a recent article "Music industry worried about CD burning", it has been made clear that the music industry is worried that it will not be in such high demand as it once was. With the invention of CD burners it has become possible for regular citizens to copy music CD's and sell them, taking money straight …show more content…
This is why record prices are extremely high. If you could own a CD without paying twenty dollars for it, it would seem like a bargain. At what point does it become an issue, where the government needs to step in and lend a hand? When online file sharing users become abusers.
If this is the reason the government is stepping in and lending their support to the fight against P2P file sharing then I can understand it completely. There is an issue with people abusing these sites for their own personal gain. That is not only a legal issue but a moral one as well.
Why are all of the P2P network users being punished for the same things the abusers are being punished for? If some of these users are like me, they might download a couple songs from one artist and become interested in purchasing the entire album. If the recording artist would put out a couple good songs from an album and make them available to the general public at no cost, it would boost its sales ten fold. If that were the case then the need for P2P file sharing would strictly be for the criminals that use it for their own personal