This pimps use many kind of methods so that the victims feel obligated to prostitute for example finesse pimping where they use compassion, kindness, anything that will make the victim feel comfortable making them feel indebted to the pimp. Also there's the the violent side to the prostitution described as guerilla pimping intimidating the victim with threats and aggression for them to be able to recruit and enslave the victim. This girls then will find themselves so caught up because
This pimps use many kind of methods so that the victims feel obligated to prostitute for example finesse pimping where they use compassion, kindness, anything that will make the victim feel comfortable making them feel indebted to the pimp. Also there's the the violent side to the prostitution described as guerilla pimping intimidating the victim with threats and aggression for them to be able to recruit and enslave the victim. This girls then will find themselves so caught up because