However, call girls are still a more desirable position in the sex work field and they maintain more control because instead of pimps they have madams. Madams, are women who run escort agencies for call girls, by having a madam in control it gives the power solely to women, even though in some cases, a madam will take a share of the money. In the end, a sugar baby seems to have the most control in the relationship. They’re able to choose their client and they keep whatever money they earn. Even sites like don’t charge sugar babies when they sign up. However, with the serve power dynamic between a sugar baby and a sugar daddy, are they really in control of the situation or do sites like give them the illusion of
However, call girls are still a more desirable position in the sex work field and they maintain more control because instead of pimps they have madams. Madams, are women who run escort agencies for call girls, by having a madam in control it gives the power solely to women, even though in some cases, a madam will take a share of the money. In the end, a sugar baby seems to have the most control in the relationship. They’re able to choose their client and they keep whatever money they earn. Even sites like don’t charge sugar babies when they sign up. However, with the serve power dynamic between a sugar baby and a sugar daddy, are they really in control of the situation or do sites like give them the illusion of