Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment. People who execute such activities are called prostitutes. Prostitution is one of the branches of the sex industry. The legal status of prostitution varies from country to country, from being a punishable crime to a regulated profession. The arguments presented below are aimed at all forms of prostitution endorsed or supported by the state.
To begin with, legalization of prostitution is a gift to pimps, traffickers, and the sex industry. Legalization is the approval of all aspects of the sex industry: the women themselves, the ''clients'' and the pimps, who under the regime of legalization would become businessmen. Legalization of prostitution also converts brothels, clubs, and other places where prostitution is practiced in places where it allows legitimate sex trade to happen in a legal manner and with few restrictions. It is believed that advocating the legalization of prostitution is dignifying and professionalizing the woman in prostitution. But dignifying prostitution as work does not dignify women. It simply dignifies the sex industry. People often do not realize that decriminalization is the decriminalization of all sex industry, not just women. No woman should be penalized for her own exploitation. But states should never decriminalize pimps, clients, brothels, or other sex establishments.
Moreover, legalization of prostitution does not promote improved health of women. A system based on the legalization of prostitution which forces women, not customers, to have medical checks and health certificates is not fair to women. The health checks are ''women only'' and have no meaning at the level of public health because they control the prostituted women and do not protect them from AIDS, since men can carry too, and at first they are the ones who convey diseases to women. The security policies in