AP Language and Composition
Mr. Tringali
13 November 2013
Legalizing Prostitution Among all the controversial topics, prostitution is one of the most scandalous. Being one of the world’s oldest professions; prostitution uses the sin of adultery to lure clients into spending money on sexual pleasure. Although many prostitutes are controlled by pimps and social pressures, the act of prostitution is a lucrative way to make quick and relatively easy money. If one were to take in the positives and negatives of prostitution, it’s clear to see that legalization, though frowned upon, would have a progressive outcome.
Inductive Reasoning One of the first reasons for legalization of prostitution is the increase of both prostitute …show more content…
There is evidence of this is in other countries that has legalized prostitution, such as Amsterdam, where “there are 250 brothels, 80% of the prostituted people are of foreign origin and 70% of them have no papers, as they are victims of trafficking” (Poulin). Other legal countries show similar shocking statistics, like in Denmark where trafficking has increased ten-fold, and in Austria, where 90 % of prostitutes are from their homeland (Poulin). If legal prostitution has seemed to go wrong in these countries, then it seems logical to believe it wouldn’t work in the United States; however, the element that has made this legalization fail in other countries is the lack of government effort to shut down the illegal prostitute organizations and brothels. These countries still let pimps and criminals run this legal act. The idea isn’t to legalize prostitution and leave the subject alone; it is to legalize prostitution and regulate it heavily. With a crackdown on human trafficking and close inspection of licensed brothels, prostitution can begin to be more open and regulated, not underground and dangerous. This newly found “open prostitution” would damage the morality of women. Many women activists view prostitution as degrading, but “Jane Roe II, argued that if a woman had the right to an abortion (a right originally granted in the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade), then the right to privacy implicit in that decision also gave her the right to sell her body for sexual purposes” (“Prostitution”). Some feminists argue that prostitution is wrong because men are using them for their bodies and not their personalities, but “a woman has the right to completely control--and even sell--her sexual and reproductive capabilities…women are being punished for not conforming sexually to