Prostitution was estimated to date back to at least 2400 B.C, along with doctor, scribe, barber and cook (Little known facts in the prostitution debate, n.d.). Despite this length of service, whether sex industry should be legalized or not is still a controversial issue that takes a lot of time to find the best decision. In my opinion prostitution should be legalized for a better prostitutes’ working condition, for a lower sexually transmitted diseases rates and an enhanced power of governments toward this job. To begin with, prostitution’s legalization with rules setting prostitutes’ rights and duties will help to provide them with a better working condition. In present situation, sex workers are being treated in a subhuman way. Suraya, a sex worker was reported to have been beaten, threaten by a knife, raped many times, stolen all money and finally thrown out of the car by her own customer (Pauw and Brener,1998). Not only be customers’ victims, prostitutes also are exploited by their pimps. Kudlow (2006) found that “even though the girls take home the cash, make no mistakes, the pimp gets all the money. There is no such thing as a commission, percentage, cut, kickback, or dividend”. Moreover, according to Fighting sexual exploitation and trafficking in Indonesia (2004), in Indonesia, one third of sex workers are being underage girls. These girls have not grown up both physical part and mental part, but they are swept into this job too early, which can turn them to a disastrous end. These raw facts, which are requiring for an urgent action from the government, set an alarm to wake us up. If there is an official legalization along with rules setting about prostitutes’ rights and duties, the pimps will no longer be able to coerce these sex workers, these workers can receive their salary fairly and underage girls will be prevented from entering this job too early.
Secondly, prostitution’s legalization with rules
References: Kendall, D.E. (1998). Social problems in a diverse society. Chapter 7, p.136, p.141. Kudlow, M. (2006). Selling sex. Retrieved November 21, 2009, from Liberator, M. (2005). Legalized prostitution: Regulating the oldest profession. Retrieved November 21, 2009 from Little known facts in the prostitution debate (n.d.). Retrieved November 21, 2009, from Lobert, A. (n.d.). Prostitution statistics-the real truth. Retrieved November 21, 2009, from Pauw, I. & Brener, L. (1997). Naming the danger of working on the street, p.80. Agenda Feminist Media Raymond, J. & Ditmore, M. (2007). Debating legalized prostitution. Retrieved November 21, 2009, from UNICEF (n.d.). Fighting sexual exploitation and trafficking in Indonesia. Retrieved November 21, 2009, from