Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world, It is defined is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment. The person who receives payment for sexual services is most often called a prostitute and the person who receives such services is known by a multitude of terms, including "john". Prostitution is a growing social problem around the world, and continues to grow here in the United States. The existence goes far back as biblical times to Ancient Greece where it was associated with religion. Despite efforts to eradicate it, prostitution has the uncanny ability of adapting itself to any institutional system. Whether tolerated as a social evil or outlawed as an illegal act it has always managed to thrive in society. The social problem with prostitution is the exploitation of women and children. The prevalence of both organized and informal forms of prostitution is increasing and includes child prostitution, trans-gender and male prostitution, human trafficking and bonded slavery. Women in prostitution are exposed to various forms of abuse and societal disapproval and high likelihood of contracting fatal sexually transmitted diseases. Due to the abundance of poor women in prostitution, safe sex is difficult to ensure because of an overwhelming compliance with patron requests by workers who are willing to jeopardize their health to earn a living. In the United States, 49 states make prostitution a crime. The only exception is Nevada, which permits brothels to operate in specific areas of the state. Since the 1970s, advocates of reform have called for either the legalization or the decriminalization of prostitution. Proponents see these approaches as a way of preventing women from being punished for making a choice on how they want to earn an income. Opponents of these changes dismiss the idea that women voluntarily choose this type of work and
Citations: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male - Alfred Charles Kinsey