Where would you go to get advice, information and support to deal with the dilemma?…
CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author. I have cited all sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course.…
According to WebMD, organ transplants are “the surgical movement of a healthy organ from one person and its transplantation into another person whose organ has failed or was injured.” The first organ transplant was conducted on December 23rd, 1954. Dr. Joseph Murray and Dr. David Hume transplanted a kidney from Ronald Herrick, into his brother Richard. The first successful tissue transplant was a skin graft, performed in Germany in 1823.…
situation and really analyze the decision that you’re making and help you see the pros and cons on the…
moral dilemma in this case is deciding whether or not to help out family in a situation where you…
“Each day, an average of 79 people receive organ transplants. However, an average of 21 people die each day waiting for transplants that can't take place because of the shortage of donated organs” (The Need Is Real). There are many different views of the pros and cons that make up transplants of all kinds, from organ to bone transplants, and whether or not they should be allowed to be continued.…
In this paper I will discuss an article from the Seattle Press written by Associated Press Medical Writer Lindsay Tanner. I will discuss the statistical procedures used in the study and provide an analysis of the conclusions both the researchers and the reporter drew from the study results to consider the statistical significance of the data presented.…
More than 123,000 people in the United States are currently on a waiting list for a transplant, and out of these people seven percent will die without ever receiving a transplant. This could change if more people donate. One person who donate can save up to eight lives with organ donation and more then hundred lives with tissue. If more people were educated on the different they could make with donating, I feel it would have a more positive outcome. Blood and Organ donation is not really discussed as much as it should. There are pros and cons to donating just as there are for everything else.…
In March of 2003 I would make a decision that would change my life forever. At 30 years of age I thought dealing with divorce and single motherhood would be the toughest challenges I would face. However, all of a sudden I found myself looking down deaths path. Throughout my childhood I always had an issue with being overweight. Finding myself at my highest weight of 350lbs I just knew something needed to change. Looking back, I was so depressed I am not sure how I made it through each day. I started seeing a new doctor that said the direction I was headed in was one of serious health problems. My family history of heart…
Although cosmetic surgery may seem like a good decision for a young teen seeking confidence, teens do not make the necessary educated decision for their surgery. Teens are very indecisive and change their ideas of what they want very quickly, day to day, or even hour to hour. (Ulene, par.8) Teens do not take the time to find out what they are dealing with and may walk in to the situation with an ignorant mindset. There should be extensive research as well as consultations with a surgeon before committing to undergo surgery. Most teens consider surgery without understanding what actually goes with it. They tend to overlook the cons of the situation or even ignore it because of the obsession of the idea. Surgery is a very serious issue and should…
In at least one paragraph, which career category did your survey responses reveal? Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the results of the survey and why.…
decisions. Although, to some, this may be an extremely tough and emotional decision, but I feel…
The risks of Bariatric surgery contains bowel obstruction, dumping syndrome, which can lead to diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, gallstones, hernias, hyperglycemia, malnutrition, stomach perforations, ulcers and vomiting ("Mayo Clinic", 2016). Mr. C. has been diagnosed peptic ulcer and this would be a risk factor and possibly exacerbate the peptic ulcer disease after…
Decision making is used in the medical profession every day. Physicians are making decisions with every patient they see. The patient is also having to make the decision of what treatment to receive. Decision making is used during medical procedures. When making a decision one has to think of the best and productive treatment for the patient. Interviewing Marie Cain gave a lot of insight on her decision making with her lung cancer. Having a positive outlook on health, treatment, and prognosis can help a person through their progress. (Editor, page 5). Doctors are not the only decision makers, medical and office personnel in the office have decision making power also.…
Robotic Surgery is a surgical technology in the world of healthcare that doctors are opting to use for many surgical procedures on humans today. Robotic surgery is a procedure that involves a surgeon manipulating the hands of a robot. Many people don’t know enough about robotic surgery. It is very important for everyone to familiarize themselves with this technology because in the near future this equipment has the potential to take over the operating rooms of many hospitals. The goal of this paper is to give some basic information about how Robotic surgical procedures has evolved and to bring to light some of the ways robotic surgical procedures might affect you one day. When I was faced with the choice of having robotic surgery two months ago I felt like I didn’t know enough about the technology. I had no knowledge of how this type of surgery would affect me. I would like people to be able to understand how this technology will affect their lives. For this assignment I decided to research the advantages and drawback of robotic surgery to inform everyone about this technology so that if faced with this choice you won’t be in the dark like I was.…