In a Utopian society, there is no pollution because everyone rides bikes everywhere, so the carbon footprint of cars do not exist and because they eat fresh food the carbon footprint from making frozen food and packaging it would completely disappear. Also from The Giver by Lois Lowry throwing trash on the ground or in the water does not happen because everyday at the end of the day disposal workers come and get rid of the trash.
In conclusion you should live in a Utopian society instead of a democratic society because of all the benefits like no crime and no war but if you live in a Utopian community then you get a lot more benefits like living longer, advanced medicine, and equality are other benefits from living in a Utopian society. Living in a Utopian society could benefit you by putting you in a job you enjoy giving you food, clothes , and even a house and all you would have to do is do your part around the community and follow the