Another place we can look for the negative consequences of politicizing a humanitarian issue is in the situations of non-consensual military intervention. Politicizing intervention can have significant negative consequence on the stability and security of a state. In many instances sovereign states will intervene in other sovereign states, without consent, if they believe there is a humanitarian crisis at hand. From an outside …show more content…
A modern example one can look at is the recent war in Afghanistan. The war an intervention by the US military that came along with a strong agenda to bring democracy and economic development to the middle east. Issues arose from Vast majority of the resistance in Afghanistan that was ant-western and anti-American based. Critiquing the American military approach to this one can see that intervening a sovereign nation with a military is no way to gain the trust or connection with all local actors that will enable real development and change. Instead when humanitarian work is politicized such as in this case many people will be resistant and the overall impact will be negative. Another s negative consequences of military intervention as a politicized form of humanitarianism can result from the actual deaths and damages caused when armed military are involved. A good piece of evidence to support this is an article Thomas Geist detailing Saudi Arabian And US forces air strikes over Yemen. The purpose behind the air strikes was a politically motivated action in order to “stabilize” the Middle East; A goal to promote humanitarianism by spreading political stability and then in turn promote development in Yemen. This air strike is a string of many air strikes on Yemen by Saudi Arabia that has …show more content…
It is simply human nature to act in one’s view of what’s right and what’s wrong and that posses a major problem when trying to remain neutral is significantly difficult conflicts and challenges. In many scenarios there are tough decisions to be made in regards to taking political stance or politicizing action in humanitarian conflicts. A great example to begin with is from the article by Tom Daschile discussing the current crisis in Ukraine. The piece covers that the Russian government is providing economic assistance and aid to pro-Russian separatist in Ukraine, while the Ukrainian military is outmanned and out of money. The dilemma this piece brings about is questioning whether or not the US and European Union should intervene or financially aid the Ukrainian forces. Is there a right to intervene between conflicts of state governments of two sovereign states? Will the US appear as imperialist if they intervene and support a pro-Ukrainian side for the country? The idea of going in to Ukraine to “save” the Ukrainian people from Russia posses an issue to picking sides and consent against the pro-separatist in Ukraine who want to become part of Russia. The crisis in Ukraine does not appear in the same nature as many other humanitarian crises