This drug is manmade. It was owned by the Sacklers. The estimated sales for more than $35 billion. Today the average price for it varies on where you would get it Walmart-$18.58 Costco-$19.85 Safeway-$19.95 Kroger Pharmacy-$20.20 Kmart-$26.48 Target(CVS)-$26.48 CVS Pharmacy-$28.48 Walgreens-$28.48 Rite-Aid-$51.41 on the streets is about 30-50 dollars for it.
It helps with any kinds of pain it’s a pain reliever. The most active ingredient is oxycodone a derivative of opium.
There is a legitimate use for OxyContin it’s …show more content…
With doing that there is more of a chance on messing up with injecting it and injecting it in the wrong area and it could hurt and possibly kill you. Also they chew it instead of swallowing it. Their main intentions are to get high.
The history of OxyContin is it was first made in Germany in 1916.A Few years later a company had to stop heroin because of hazards reasons and harmful use. The first clinical who had used the drug was in 1917 a year after it had been developed. It was first introduced in the market in early May of 1939. In 1970 the government had classified it as to be a Schedule 2 …show more content…
They change the name so it doesn’t look so noticeable when or if the cops get involved. OxyContin is also use for terminal cancer pain. Also in 2009 there were 37 deaths that showed they had OxyContin also in 143 in Ontario and in 2002 35 had died. OxyContin can affect your vision and you are not supposed to drive when you are on this medicine. In 2005 and 2009 New Brunswick had seen 3-10 deaths a year that is related to OxyContin.
In 2013 in the U.S. used OxyContin non-medically it was ages 16-17 184,000 ages 14-15 68,000 ages 12-13 22,000. In the U.S. ages 12+ 492,000. U.S. ages 12+ lifetime 6,973,000. The over doses from 2000-2016 is 20,145 and they are mostly males. Anyone at any age abuses it from 12 and older for at least once in their life time.
In 2010 they had released a “abuse proof” OxyContin and it would make it much harder to crush and when it is mixed with water it turns to a jelly. So with it turning to a jelly it would make it much harder to inject it with a