The use of heroin in America has drastically increased over the last decade. Federal records revealed that between the years of 2006-2013, first time heroin users has doubled from 90,000 to 169,000 users. In fact, the Center for Disease Control announced that overdoses due to heroin have quadrupled between the years of 2002-2013. The statistics are no different for the Akron-Canton Region of Ohio. In July, 2016, Akron had a record number of heroin overdoses with the Akron Police Department reporting 241 overdoses and 21 deaths (Nethers, 2016). In order to create a solution to this growing epidemic, we must identify why heroin is the drug of choice, the demographics of heroin users and administering …show more content…
Today’s heroin users begin their drug addition by getting high with prescription drugs like OxyContin purchased illegally according to Theodore J. Cicero, professor of neuropharmacology in psychiatry (Dryden-WUSTL, 2014). OxyContin has become so expensive on the drug market that users are turning to heroin as a cheaper alternative. Cicero points out that “OxyContin has sold for up to a dollar per milligram, so an 80 milligram tablet would cost $80.00. Meanwhile, they can get heroin for $10.00” (Dryden-WUSTL, 2014, para. 7). In the Akron-Canton region, heroin is extremely accessible. In fact, users who participated in the OSAM research for the Akron-Canton Region reported that heroin is as easily accessible as alcohol (OSAM, 2016). Additionally, participants noted that it is a lot easier to hind heroin than prescriptions because you can only get one or two prescriptions per month but heroin is unlimited (OSAM, …show more content…
The Akron-Canton region is no different with heroin being the drug of choice. With the demographics of users being young white females in suburban and rural areas it is more important than ever to educate the community on the dangers of heroin. Additionally, it is important that communities gains knowledge of the medication Naxolene and how to administer the drug to prevent overdoses and death. Naxolene can only go so far to prevent heroin overdoses. As a community we need to create a community action plan to educate our youth on avoiding the drug all