As the great Italian philosopher, Niccolo Machiavelli, once said, “The ends justify the means.” What needs to be done, must be done. This humane concept is represented in all forms of life. In in its purest form, it is represented in the USA Patriot Act. This Act of Congress, which was passed in 2001, simply enhances the United States investigative skills, sometimes bypassing certain restrictions to preserve the safety of our country. Most notable, it uses of mass data collection. Some people view this act as unconstitutional, or an invasion of privacy, and ineffective, to which will be proven, that this statement is false. People must learn how to sacrifice for the greater good. It may seem like an abuse of power, but the U.S Patriot Act is an extremely valuable resource towards injustice in this country, and has proven to be a …show more content…
It essentially acts like a complex input output equation that can predict, or aid in terrorism. What I mean by this is through the access of certain information, the algorithm can flag certain irrational discrepancies, phrases, contacts, purchases etc. of different people and build a profile of a person who is planning a terroristic plot. Now of course when I say algorithm I mean people who are using specific capabilities of the Patriot Act, but nonetheless the Patriot Act is indispensable. Now the question arises, with this Congressional Act being used on such a large scale isn’t there a prospect of human error? The simple answer is, however small the occurrence is, yes. However, as this essay has specifically addressed, the worth of a human life surpasses any type of grievance, because it gets to be, by consenting to the search of your belongings and property, you make any and all terrorist vulnerable to the full wrath of the United