
Pros And Cons Of Physician Assisted Suicide

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Pros And Cons Of Physician Assisted Suicide
III. The ethical debate on PAS
All professions should be guided by ethical behavior. As such, Physician Assisted Suicide, should be observed from an ethical standpoint and viewed through the four ethical principles:
• Autonomy; respect for the individual self-determination.
• Beneficence; doing the greatest good possible.
• Non-maleficence; preventing harm.
• Justice; insuring fairness and equal access to care.
Based on this, ethical arguments can be made both in support of and against PAS.
Ethical Arguments Opposed to PAS
A. Assisted suicide is morally wrong because it contradicts the religious ethical beliefs that oppose the taking of a life.
B. There is a possibility that particular groups of people who lack access to care and support, or who cannot afford the high cost of care may abuse assisted suicide.
C. PAS can be seen as the failure to prevent harm manifesting as fear.
D. The Hippocratic Oath opposes the administration of poison to patients. “…at least do not harm…”
E. Physicians are not infallible and could make errors in diagnosis or prognosis.
Ethical Arguments Supporting PAS.
A. Do devout believers have the right to take their own personal beliefs and force them on the entire population?
B. On the basis of respect for the individual
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They seek a declaration by the court stating that physicians who provide aid-in dying to mentally-competent, terminally-ill patient at the patients request is not criminally liable under New York’s Assisted Suicide Statute as well as an injunctive relief barring defendants from suing physicians who assist a mentally-competent, terminally-ill patient in dying under the above

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