I know I am not the only person that has had a hard time getting into school, or understanding how. Now that I’m in it, I feel lots better but of course it has been a very hard time coming from a 9-5 job and then straight to another job to pay the bills. First off, I learned that it is not free. No matter how many ads and people I had spoken to telling me “oh yeah, school is free”. It certainly has not been for me at least. I had a few small grants but nothing that was enough to help out with my living costs/ tuition/ books, thus leaving me to the device of taking out student loans. Since then I have been seeking scholarships but have not had the greatest luck. With this information that I have provided, I have now taken one loan out and this is my first loan. I still work two jobs picking up shifts at a bar on a weekend and receiving a student loan. I shouldn’t have to take a loan out that I am going to pay back years from now. I am having to work two jobs and do two classes a semester which to get to any or the degree that I want, will take years thus leaving me with a huge amount of debt I owe. Now, I am still lost just finding my own balance of work and…