
Pros And Cons Of The Extinction Of Bees

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Most humans are scared of bees, but bees are vital in many ways. The extinction of bees can cause a huge environmental impact, just like the extinction of any creature, but what would happen? I love bees, but many people kill bees because they are afraid of them, but my grandfather kept bees and there was nothing to be afraid of. Many people don’t believe that bees are so nice because of their experiences of stinging, but what really is the truth? How do bees interact with humans? Should we be afraid of bees? Well, bees don’t just sting for no particular reason. In Fact, many bees die after they sting. My grandfather used to say that, “Bees are more scared of you that you are of them.” He used to think that bees would only sting when provoked. He loved bees, which is a rarity for most people. My grandfather often had good experiences rather than bad ones with bees. Many people have constantly had bad experiences with bees stinging and they think that all bees are bad, but which is true? …show more content…

They even have their own thoughts and feelings, just like humans. According to The Honey Bees Suite “ … [F]ighting bees release an alarm pheromone …. The alarm pheromone makes other honey bees aggressive, and more fighting means more pheromone is released which means more bees join the fray. The situation can escalate quickly” This means that bees are most aggressive when other bees are fighting and according to CNN “‘Bees will only sting if, one: they are provoked, and two: they feel threatened,’ Chavarria says” This means that even though bees are often aggressive because other bees are aggressive the first bee who was provoked or threatened usually had a good reason to be

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