Every story has two sides, in this case it’s positives and negatives. If the positives outweighs the negatives then it’s good. Let’s start with the positives. Urban sprawl creates suburbs. According to the National Centre for Policy Analysis ( NCPA) in 1999 73% of suburban students scored at or above the basic reading level. Whereas only 27% in the city. Outlying districts have a significantly …show more content…
The vast expansions of our automobile dependent neighborhoods have important social health problems for people who are too young or too old or too poor to drive car. Medical evidence says that suburban lifestyles are connected to higher obesity rates in children and adults. The more overwheight someone is the more they will eat. This means is not good. Canada is a suburban country, more than ⅔ (22.5 million). With so many people in suburban housing and many more to come farmland is becoming scarce. With not even enough farmland to sustain us we will need to import our food from farther away. The farther we go the more roads that might need to be built causing even more green spaces will lose density. Honestly I’m all for urban sprawl, if it keeps our farmland. Wich it