Trina Warren
Liberty University
Professor Mink
GRST 500/501
June 17, 2013
The decision for school district to enforce school uniforms has been in existence since the 16th century. School uniforms were originally created for poor children; however, over time, schools saw uniforms as a way to bring students together. There has been debate whether uniforms improve academic success while reducing affiliation of violence. There is opinion and study that indicate no correlation between school uniforms and academic achievement; however, there were come correlation between school uniforms and student behavior. Among many concerns is the cost of uniforms, especially for a multiple child household.
Pros and Cons of School Uniforms
History of School Uniforms
Uniforms were first instituted in 16th Century England at the charity schools for poor children. It was not until the 19th Century that the great English public schools began instituting uniforms and even later for them to be widely accepted at state schools--especially state elementary schools. There is a lot of debate whether the acceptance of school uniforms is good or bad. Historically, the concept of school uniforms is familiar to many European schools and private schools within the United States. However, much more attention to the controversy over school uniforms arose when a significant movement began in the 1980's to introduce dress codes within public schools in the United States. . “In 1996, approximately three percent of all schools in the United States had a school uniform policy (Gentile & Imberman, 2009).”
How Society Views Uniforms During the 1996 State of the Union Address, President Clinton discussed school uniforms as one solution to gang-related behavioral problems in the metropolitan areas. “That discussion led us to scour the existing literature to determine whether his assertion was supported by empirical evidence. We found a body of
References: (2012, 10). Pros and Cons of School Uniforms. Retrieved 10, 2012, from (2013, 04). Pros and Cons of School Uniforms Final Draft Paper. Retrieved 04, 2013, from Bodine, A. (2003). School uniforms, academic achievement, and uses of research. The Journal of Educational Research, 97(2), 67-71. Retrieved from Brunsma, D. L., & Rockquemore, K. A. (2003). Statistics, sound bites, and school uniforms: A reply to bodine.The Journal of Educational Research, 97(2), 72-77. doi: 10.2307/27548013 Brunsma, D. L., & Rockquemore, K. A. (1998). Effects of student uniforms on attendance, behavior problems, substance use, and academic achievement. The Journal of Educational Research, 92(1), 53-63. Retrieved from Gentile, E., & Imberman, S. (2009). Dressed for success: Do school uniforms improve student behavior, attendance, and achievement? (No 2009-03, Working Papers, University of Houston). Retrieved from Knechtle, J. C., & Mitchell, H. W. (2003). Uniforms in public schools and the first amendment: A constitutional analysis. The Journal of Negro Education, 72, 487-494. Retrieved from http:// Stanley, M. S. (1996). School uniforms and safety. Education and Urban Society, 23, 424-435. doi:10.1177/0013124596028004003