There May Just Be Child Molesters in Your Area!
Matthew Schieltz, Yahoo! Contributor Network
May 3, 2007 "Contribute content like this. Start Here." * More: * Sexual Predators * Child Molesters * Child Molester * * tweet0 * Print
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There seems to be more child molesters on the street today than there were just ten years ago. It seems that no matter where you go there are child molesters and sexual predators roaming the street. It is more crucial than ever to be able to know how to protect your child from a sexual predator. Parents should definitely do everything in their power to prevent their child from being a victim of one of the many convicted sex offenders in their neighborhood or town. And even though you think you might live in safe neighborhood, you could be wrong! I researched my own neighborhood and was appalled to find that several registered sex offenders live just nearly a mile down from me.
The internet has a plethora of resources that parents can use to gather tips to protect their children from a horrible crime. One important tool to use is to visually be able to see where child molesters and registered sex offenders are living within your neighborhood. Fortunately, there are resources out there that will give you this information for free! The Family Watchdog is one such resource. All you have to do is type in your address or your city that you live in and Family Watchdog will give you a map pinpointing the registered sex offenders that live near you. This may be helpful if you have just moved to a new town or neighborhood or if you are planning to move.
Aside from being able to see on Family Watchdog where sex offenders live, there are some other ways that you can prevent your child from being a victim of a sex offender. One of these ways is to know who your child's friends and parents are. If you blindly and naively let your child