On your own paper, answer the following questions as you read Chapter 19, Section 2 (Pgs 537-544)
You do not have to write the question so long as you staple the questions to your answer sheet when finished.
1. What does the Due Process clause of in the 14th Amendment do?
2. What does the Establishment Clause set up?
3. List 3 examples of how the Government has encouraged churches and religion in the U.S.
4. What is a parochial (pear O key al) school?
5. The largest number of Establishment Clause cases involved what?
6. Why was “released time” upheld in Zorach v. Clauson, but not in McCollum v. Board of Education?
7. Which laws were found unconstitutional in Kentucky and Rhode Island?
8. To sum up the rulings, public schools can’t do what? But, individuals can do what? …show more content…
Explain the law which was ruled unconstitutional in Edwards v. Agullard.
10. List two reasons why some people believe its ok for the gov’t to give aid/money to parochial schools.
11. What 3 conditions must exists for a program giving aid to go to parochial schools to pass the lemon test?
12. Can money be given to religious schools to pay for standardized testing and teacher salaries?
13. Why was the tax deduction in Minnesota upheld?
14. Of the 3 seasonal display cases, what was different about the Allegheny case? (hint: content and location)
15. Why are prayers in the legislature allowed, but prayers in public schools aren’t?
16. Why was it decided that the Ten Commandments displayed at the Texas State Capitol were acceptable?
17. What is the Free Exercise Clause
18. What are the 3 limitations of the Free Exercise Clause?
19. Which court case involved the pledge of allegiance and what was the final