GOD IS SOVEREIGN The Sovereignty of …show more content…
This concept of God’s sovereignty is also found in Psalms 135:6 but gives a little bit more description of where He has control which consists of heaven, earth, in the seas, and all deep places. God’s rulership is universal It is not confined to time or space. God’s sovereignly rules the affairs of nations (Psalm 22:28). He arranges the universe to fit his purpose God is in control of all things and rules over all things. He has power and authority over nature, earthly kings, history, angels, and demons. Even Satan himself has to ask God’s permission before he can act (Psalm 103:19). The book of Psalm shows God’s sovereignty based on His creatorship (Psalm 19:1), His eternality (Psalm 93:2), and His authority over all (103:19). The Sovereignty of God is not just that God has the power and right to govern all things, but that He always does without exception. In other words God is sovereign in principle as well as in …show more content…
The Webster Dictionary gives this definition of omniscient: “having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things.” The Book of Psalm tells us that God does perceive all things, which means no fact can be hidden from his knowledge King David recognized in Psalm 139: 1-4: that God knows everything about him, He knows King David’s downsitting and uprising, God understands his thoughts, He is acquainted with all of David’s ways and he knows every word David will speak. God sees everything; nothing can be hidden from God, not even the secret thoughts of the heart (Psalm 44:21). In the book Lectures of Systematic Theology, Henry Clarence Thiessen