you; He remains vigilant. At times, it is difficult to turn to G-d during times of hardship or pain, but G-d is always there to help in the darkest of times. He will protect us for all of our lives, even the world to come. In order for one to fully understand the meaning of a psalm, one must dive into its deeper meanings. As a main climbs up the mountains he asks, “From where will my help come?” According to the Bible Psalms with Jerusalem Commentary, the man asks if there is anyone that can assist and protect him from the dangers that he is going to encounter. When all else fails, he looks up to the mountains and realizes that it is G-d who will protect him. Because G-d created the earth, and continues to shape it today, nothing can stand in His way. Because ones desires and existence are within the power of G-d, one must obey His command (Rav Hirsch). G-d has unlimited power over the world and is capable of rescuing a person from any predicament. Because G-d is immortal, he “neither slumbers nor sleeps.” Hashem’s protection surpasses that of any human being because we all have limitations.
He will not “let our foot slip” and send us in a dangerous journey without any help. A human guard is only as effective as their limited supply of strength, stamina, and fatigue, while G-d doesn’t suffer from lassitude, and as a result, He provides endless protection (Rav Hirsch). Human beings are not immune to faults, sins, and errors. However, “when we teeter on the brink of mortal downfall,” we must turn to G-d, as He is always vigilant and awake (Rav Hirsch). G-d will serve as our right hand, which will protect and conceal us from enemies, ailments, and dangers (Bible
Commentary). Since Hashem is our shade, He will protect us from the harmful rays of the sun as well as the evil in the world. During the darkness, coldness, and dampness of the night, we should have even greater trust in G-d, like the moon that illuminates the darkness of the night. If we have faith in G-d, “He will dispel the sorrow of exile,” just as the moon brightens the darkness of the night” (Tehillim). He will guard us from the time we leave for our journey until we return from it (Bible Commentary). Hashem will even guard us forever and ever from all evil as we pursue learning Torah and doing mitzvot (Tehillim).