Explain how children and young people's development is influenced by a range of External factors.…
In Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Model he describes 5 different stages of development. Stages in which he believes affect people through social context as well as interpersonal interactions. Bronfenbrenner’s first stage is Microsystem, Which is each person’s immediate surroundings such as; family members, classmates, and/or church groups. Growing up my parents made sure me and my brother attended church every Sunday morning. For years we were one of the first people in and one of the last to leave. The people I met during my years of attending have become lifelong friends and inspirational role models in my life. I believe my experiences attending a Christian church has not only made me a devote Christian, but also a kind hearted and understanding person.…
Nature vs. Nurture presents the theory of pro-nature and pro-nurture (Pinel, 2007). Psychologist of Behavior tend to believe in a pro-nurture world this thought implies that the human species is under the power of his or her individual environment, which includes his or her education throughout his or her lifetime (Pinel, 2007). On the other hand, the conflicting believes in pro-nature (Pinel, 2007). Pro-nature is a process which people think he or she…
At birth babies develop a strong tie with their mothers or whoever is looking after them. They develop this tie with whoever that provides them with food and comfort. In fact they prefer comfort to food and say for example two people were respectively providing food and one of them denies the baby comfort the baby will develop a stronger tie with the one that provides the most comfort.…
The study and research of human development has always been intriguing, yet intensive. There are five perspectives commonly discussed in human development. The perspectives include: psychoanalytic, learning, cognitive, contextual, and evolutionary/sociobiological. Those who follow the contextual perspective tend to believe that development can be better understood in its social context. Additionally, they observe the individual as an inseparable component of the environment. Psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner is responsible for producing one of the most well-known and essential contextual theories. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory views development within a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of the surrounding environment…
The nature versus nurture debate is about the relative importance of an individual's innate qualities.…
While observing the children I noticed that one of the three were more aggressive and had a tendency to be the leader of the group. The “leader” of the group was mocking what he saw the adults doing at the barbeque by dancing and carrying on. This child was closely imitating his father; who was the “life of the party”. The remaining two children seemed to closely watch what the leader of the group was doing but would often stop and gaze over at his and her parents to seek approval.…
She used mostly concrete, observable characteristics. The textbook indicates that children do not talk about self worth until age 8, but that their behavior may indicate self-esteem. I feel that Suzy has developed self-esteem and demonstrates self-esteem related issues already with regards to her peer group. A young child's self concept extends to what makes her happy or sad. Social psychologists such as Jean Piaget believe that a child’s concept of self evolves as he gets older. The ability to reason and understand morals, or to differentiate right from wrong, grows as he understands more fully that he is a separate individual from his parents and the rest of the world. Parents can aid in their children's moral development by engaging in age-appropriate activities with their children and basing moral teachings on their children's ability to understand. Preoperational children often have relatively high self-esteem because early self-concepts are based on easily defined and observed variables, and because many young children are given lots of encouragement. Young children are also generally optimistic that they have the ability to learn a new skill, succeed, and finish a task if they keep trying. Self-esteem comes from several sources, such as school ability, athletic ability, friendships, relationships with caregivers, and other helping and playing…
Developmental theories embody perspectives about environmental forces and human essence that build a path of human development. Developmental psychopathology theories embody these perspectives as well, and the information from ‘normal’ and ‘pathological’ human life courses enlighten current models of development (Davies & Bhugra, 2004). Thus, for instance, the healthy child and the biological model both agree that certain predetermined behavioural pattern may be impervious to environmental forces. Similarly, knowledge about relapse to previous patterns of behaviour necessitates the re-evaluation of the idea that every process of development is a change and; that every previous pattern of behaviour is transformed into entirely new one (Haugaard, 2008). Undoubtedly, developmental models should be relevant to both normal and pathological development.…
If I had to choose two of Bronfenbrenner’s ideas that are examples of how my development has been influenced by the rings I would have to say for one would be my family which would be the micro system. I say my family because I am a very family orientated person. That was just how I was raised. My mom always let me know that family comes first. To this day my cousins are my best friends the first sleep over I ever went to was my cousins so it was just natural that family has been a huge impact on my development. Secondly I would have to say the exosystem because that has also played a big part of my development. For example my mother always had me in some type of summer camp or before and after school program. I learned from those types of programs how life was lived for people other than my family members. I never knew anything about gang activities, sorieties, or anything else until I was exposed to those types of programs and they impacted my life as well as my development. Now if I had to say which one of the influences was the strongest I would say the exosystem because since I wasn’t taught the things I learned there or being around those things it somewhat intrigued me. In my personal opinion I would say that nature has a stronger influence on the adult development because at the end of the day that is something that you were more or less born with and not changeable.…
Psychology Final ReviewBehavioral Modification- a formal technique for promoting the frequency of desirable behaviors and decreasing the incidence of unwanted ones (good behavior is reinforced) Classical Conditioning- a type of learning in which an organism responds in a particular way to a neutral stimulus that normally does not bring about a response (dog responds to bell thinks of food) Operant Conditioning- a form of learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened by its association with positive or negative responses (different from classical because is voluntary unlike classical when dog hears bells, he starts to salivate) Cohort- a group of people born at around the same time in the same place Correlational Research- research that seeks to identify whether an association or relationship between two factors exist Critical Period- a specific time during development when a particular event has its greatest consequences and the presence of certain kinds of environmental stimuli are necessary for development to proceed normally Dependent Variable- the variable the researchers measure Experimental Research- research designed to discover casual relationships between various factors (cause and effect) Humanistic Approach- the theory contending that people have a natural capacity to make decisions about their lives and control their behavior (Rogers and Maslow, hierarchy of needs) Independent Variable- thing being manipulated in experiment Information Processing Approach- the model that seeks to identify the ways individuals take in, use and store information Maturation- the predetermined unfolding of genetic information Naturalistic Observation- naturally occurring behavior is observed without intervention in the situation Psychoanalytical Theory- the theory proposed by Freud suggests that unconscious forces act to determine personality and behavior Psychodynamic Perspective- the approach that states behavior is motivated by…
Identical twins: show remarkable similarities, but only in characteristics your would expect: intelligence, temperament, gestures, posture and pace of speech.…
I grew up in a very conservative, restricted family household. I still remember the many times I thought to myself why my siblings and I couldn’t go to another place other than church. Or why the many kids in my neighborhood where allowed, of what it seemed at that time, the million opportunities to enjoy their childhood. From a young age I was to obey and do what I was told. To not deviate from my parents’ wishes, which were for me to be good Christian and someone who always did well by school and society. As a got older I realized that our…
This paper will display a brief synopsis of the elements that has influenced my moral and ethical development as well as, discuss counseling issues and the ethical codes used to resolve the issues, and I will explain how I have changed because of my work in this class.…
C1: white an introduction which explains why it is important to plan to meet the care and learning needs of all children.…