Prospecting evolution and prospecting activity:
It is important for you to look into the future when approving your recruiter prospecting evolutions. This means that you must constantly ensure that your recruiters are out setting realistic plans within their zip codes …show more content…
Furthermore, you must take a firm stance, and hold your recruiters accountable to establishing objectives to make their activity to which they have been assigned. If a recruiter activity is missed; you must work with the recruiter to understand why the activity was missed, and you must adjust the missed activity, so that it is made up.
DEP Management:
Our number 1 priority is shipping our future sailors to boot camp. In order for use to ensure that we are playing our part in achieving this objective, we must ensure that our records are administratively intact; meaning, the proper contacts are recorded, your recruiters are accurately documenting what was being discussed and, changes to their DEP status are properly being documented and communicated to the chain of command.
Issues such as body fat should be resolved prior to a FS entering their sixty day window prior to shipping. This means that you as the station leader must have DEP standards. I don’t wish to set the standards within your office. However, I will take a firm stance on ensure that we meet the commands shipping objective each month.
Taking Care of your