Unit 2 Assignment
For each example presented below, identify whether positive reinforcement (PR), negative reinforcement (NR), or punishment (PUN) is illustrated by placing the appropriate abbreviation in the blank next to the item.
___PR__ 1. Police pulling drivers over and giving prizes for buckling up
___PUN__ 2. Suspending a basketball player for committing a flagrant foul
_PUN____ 3. A soccer player rolls her eyes at a teammate who delivered a bad pass.
__PUN or NR___ 4. A child snaps her fingers until her teacher calls on her.
___PR__ 5. A hospital patient is allowed extra visiting time after eating a complete meal.
Please explain each concept below:
6. How does information-processing theory describe memory?
You use the short term memory. Transform/Alter the information which was stored.
7. What are the characteristics of sensory memory?
1. the level of awareness at which sensory memories occur,
2. the duration of sensory memories,
3. the capacity of the sensory-memory store,
4. the encoding of sensory memories, and
5. what causes forgetting of sensory memories.
8. What happens to information in short-term memory?
Information in the short term (working memory) is either processed & stored, or not fully processed & is then forgotten.
9. What are the subsystems of long-term memory?
Explicit, Facts-General knowledge, Personally Experienced, Skills- Motor, Implicit, Dispositions
10. What are the differences among the recall, recognition, and relearning methods of measuring retrieval?
Retrieval is finding information in memory and bringing it to conscious awareness.
0Recall is retrieving information from memory without clues or aids. Essay questions require recall.
Recognition is when information retrieval is aided by clues. Multiple-choice questions require recognition.
11. How do the serial position, context, and state-dependent memory effects influence retrieval?
The serial position effect is the tendency for items