Aryan Riahi, 7801561, 15/9/2015
Academic penalties will be applied in cases where plagiarism or other forms of cheating have been observed. Once must read the Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating for Examinations from Section 7 of the Undergraduate Calendar which is available on the University of Manitoba Undergraduate Calendar. There are serious ramifications for academic dishonesty. For instance, one could receive an F on their transcript with the notation “CW” which indicates a compulsory withdrawal. A grade of zero may even be given on a test or assignment. The ramifications are stark and penalties include suspensions for up to five years which prevents one from registering in courses which
the institute teaches students in particular departments in either all courses taught by the Faculty or in the departments of Arts. Electronic resources can be used by Faculty to check for any work that is submitted in which plagiarism is suspected as they reserve the right to do so. If you still have questions, speak to your instructor.
The following three forms of academic dishonesty have been outlined below:
Plagiarism - The term plagiarism refers to extracting ideas and words from another person to pass off as one’s own words. This may be in paper or electronic formats. If one were to submit a perp that was either partially or entirely written by someone aside from oneself, that would be considered to be cheating and/or plagiarism.
Cheating - Submitting an assignment that was prepared for a particular course for another course is known as duplicate submission. This is known as cheating. Using unauthorized materials is one form of cheating. Copying the material of others is another instance of cheating. These are just a few forms of cheating on tests or examinations.
Examination personation - The University of Manitoba will apply the University's Student Discipline Bylaw to students who have planned to have another person write any portion of their examination for them. The individual who writes the exam will also be subject to the Student Discipline Bylaw as well.