Neurotransmitter Chart
Select four neurotransmitters. Complete a table for each neurotransmitter.
Neurotransmitter 1
State if this neurotransmitter is inhibitory or excitatory:
Both inhibitory and excitatory depending on receptors present
What is this neurotransmitter 's role on behavior? Acetylcholine is a common neurotransmitter located in the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Acetylcholine acts as a neuromodulator which engage in direct synaptic transmission between specific neurons. In the CNS acetylcholine plays a role in attention and arousal in the PNS it works as a major part of the autonomic nervous …show more content…
Dopamine can also play a role in addictive behaviors, and cocaine is a severe drug in addiction (Depue& Collins, 1999). Cocaine inhibits the natural order of dopamine. Once the dopamine is set free, it is reused into a dopamine transmitting neuron. Cocaine binds to the dopamine, and does not allow it to be reused. This causes an increase of dopamine and overflows specific neural areas, the overflow stops after a half hour, and the person is feeling the way he or she did before, and this is how the addiction begins (Stocker, 1999).
Pharmacological agent prescribed to increasethe neurotransmitter:
List three possible side effects linked to this agent:
Generic name: methylphenidate
Brand name: Ritalin
Use to increase the dopamine which will increase focus (Gorman, 2007).
1) Feeling nervous or irritable, sleep problems (insomnia)
2) Loss of appetite, weight loss
3) Headache, dizziness, drowsiness; orstomach pain, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach.
Example of a neurological disorder, disease, or condition where this agent occurs
List possible risks associated with not taking this agent for the disorder, disease, or