Samantha Weinraub
Mr. Chordas
AP Psychology
10 April 2015
Electroconvulsive Therapy, formerly known as electroshock therapy and also referred to as shock treatment, is a standard psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced in patients to provide relief from psychiatric illnesses. This is a biological perspective because it combines medical and biological aspects of a patient to physically treat the certain disorder. Transference is the redirection of feelings and desires and especially of those
unconsciously retained from childhood toward a new object. This is a psychoanalytic perspective because your conscious puts forth your unconscious desires and hides what you are actually feeling. But then you end up projecting those feelings to whom is analyzing. Token economy is a system of behavior modification based on the systematic reinforcement of target behavior. The reinforcers are symbols or "tokens" that can be exchanged for other reinforcers. This perspective is a learning aspect because these people learn daily behaviors and also learn what is right and what is wrong by the enforced “tokens”.
Systematic desensitization is a type of behavior therapy used in the field of psychology to help effectively overcome phobias and other anxiety disorders and it associates a relaxed state while gradually increasing anxiety stimulus. This is a learning
perspective because you begin to learn to be comfortable with things you once would not be and that originally caused you stress.
Resistance is a concept in which patients either directly or indirectly oppose changing their behavior or refuse to discuss, remember, or think about presumably clinically relevant experiences. Resistance is a psychoanalytical perspective because it is involving unconscious thoughts being brought to the surface through a discussion and patients aren’t comfortable sharing some of these thoughts.
Psychopharmacology is the study of drugs used for psychological treatments.
These drugs can affect moods, sensations, consciousness, and behavioral patterns.
These drugs are also called psychotropic medications. This study is a biological perspective because it involves the drugs in which are used for the treatments and the effects of the drugs on the patients.