Psychodynamic therapy is aimed to reveal a client's unconscious in order to relieve stress or tension. This therapy could be used on Matilda because by if they could reveal the reason of her phobia she may be able to overcome it herself. This type of therapy was founded by Sigmund Freud. Behavior therapy is therapy focused on only observable behaviors of a person and works towards changing those behaviors. This therapy could help Matilda because they target her behavior which is the thing she is trying to control. Behavior therapy works especially in well dealing with phobias and other behavioral problems. Cognitive therapy is therapy targeted at how a person thinks. This therapy would help Matilda by her therapist could tell her to think positive thoughts while speaking publicly and coaching her into analyzing the situation differently. Biomedical therapy is therapy via medicine. This is most effective when paired with other types of therapy and is not very effective standing alone. It would be useful for Matilda to receive some sort of biomedical treatment while undergoing therapy of other kinds.
Thorndike’s Law of Effect basically says that responses from an action that are satisfying are more likely to occur again, and responses from an action that are discomforting are less likely to occur again in that situation. If Owen is misbehaving then his bad behavior should be punished so he will avoid those actions and he should be rewarded when he does a good behavior strengthening those habits. Token economy is using prizes as rewards to reinforce good behavior. Such as if every time Owen cleans his room he will be given a marble and for every ten marbles he gets, he gets a piece of candy. That would be an effective use of token economy. Negative punishment is taking away something good to decrease a behavior. For example, every time Owen throws a temper tantrum he gets t.v privileges away. this prompts him to avoid temper tantrums. Fixed interval