Micro aggressions are unintentional offensive comments that you might not think are hurtful but others will (Haidt). According to The Coddling of the American Mind by Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff, trigger warnings are being demanded because they are warnings, “…in a course [that] might cause a strong emotional response.” (Haidt 44). In the article On the Repression of Free Expression by Micheal Bloomberg, it shows that in America universities today the use of trigger warnings restricts students from their freedom of speech and expressing their views on a topic or material. Micro aggressions play a big role when it comes to trigger warnings, whether they are, “intentional or unintentional…” those comments can …show more content…
Let's say she has a fear of bees because she once was stung at an early age. You have to "expose" her to bees, "...if you want to help her to normalcy..." instead of sheltering her. (Haidt 48). You have to make her realize that bees are just little creatures that only sting if they feel threatened. Probably the bee stung her when she was young because she wanted to touch it. But now she knows better not to bother the bee, therefore it will not harm the girl.Exposure therapy can help someone overcome there fears and it is substantial that, "...they should not try to avoid normal life..." (Haidt …show more content…
Trigger warnings seem like an escape from horrific memories and the, "...requests from students..." have been increasing rapidly. (Medina 92). The students want "...to avoid certain articles..." that can be obtained by trigger warnings. Trigger warnings may accommodate some students- the ones with traumas- but unfortunately, it limits the deep discussions of the class curriculum. Therefore, trigger warnings takes away the rights of many students just to accommodate one