Article Content Identification and Summary
Due: 11:55pm ET Sunday at the end of Week 3 of the 8-week course term
You may work on this assignment ahead of its deadline but may not submit it prior to Week 3.
Points Possible: 60
OVERVIEW: This is Part 1 of a two-part assignment designed to guide you through the steps of critically reviewing a published, evidence-based, scholarly journal article. This is an activity in which students engage frequently across their college careers in the completion of a variety of assignments. The article you review will be selected from the classroom Resources folder.
For Part 1 and Part 2 of this assignment, demonstration of foundational skills needed to complete an article review is the goal, not the composition of an actual research paper or essay. You will be answering a series of questions, each linked to an important article review element, rather than writing a traditional style paper.
Due by the end of Week 3 of the 8-week course term, Part 1 requires the identification and summarization of various components of the article you select from the classroom Resources folder.
In completing Part 1 you will:
--Select a published scholarly article from a set of pre-approved, evidence-based, peer-reviewed journal articles located in the classroom Resources Folder titled, “Evidence-Based Journal Articles” and explain why the selected article was of interest to you;
--Demonstrate knowledge of how to properly cite the selected article’s author(s), year of publication, title, and in what journal it was published, in compliance with APA formatting rules;
--Describe the research method used by the selected article’s author(s);
--Summarize the selected article’s key points following the assignment instructions;
Part 1 Instructions:
To avoid point loss, be sure to read all sequentially and carefully and don’t jump ahead to answer questions.
From the