Transactional analysis Ego states: For Freud, the ego is "the representative of the outer world to the id. In other words, the ego represents and enforces the reality-principle whereas the id is concerned only with the pleasure-principle. Whereas the ego is oriented towards perceptions in the real world, the id is oriented towards internal instincts; whereas the ego is associated with reason and sanity, the id belongs to the passions. The ego, however, is never able fully to distinguish itself from the id, of which the ego is, in fact, a part, which is why in his pictorial representation of the mind Freud does not provide a hard separation between the ego and the id. The ego could also be said to be a defense against the superego and its ability to drive the individual subject towards inaction or suicide as a result of crippling guilt. Freud sometimes represents the ego as continually struggling to defend itself from three dangers or masters: "from the external world, from the libido of the id, and from the severity of the super-ego "This explains about the various ego states while responding to situations. The various ego states are: 1) Parent State 2) Child State 3) Adult State
In the parent states and child states, people react to the situation emotionally where as in the adult state, things are rationalized. Complementary transaction: In this case, we get a response from the same ego state.
Crossed transaction: Here, response is received from another ego state. Ulterior transaction : This transaction is dangerous at times and leads to disruption of communication. The tone doesn’t match the ego state. Let us take some examples from the movie. In a particular scene, Virus reminds Farhan and Raju about their family’s financial status and suggests them to shift to Chatur’s room so that they can concentrate only on studies. Virus has super ego. Here he has the state which is critical parent state by showing authority,