Because of his pressures and cultural influences at the bar, Damon gets into conflicts with his girlfriend. All these issues that Damon faces also causes his run-ins with the law. Since bars are notorious for fights and overall a place with poorly behaved people, thus is the main cause for Damon’s behavior issues. The biological perspective assumes that human behavior and thought processes have a biological basis. It focuses on the body and especially the brain and nervous system. Biology include investigation into biochemistry of behavior associated with hormones, genetics and heritability. The biological perspective relies on scientific methods. Because of this, its scope of investigation is limited to variables that can be controlled. In the case of Damon, psychologist would argue that his behavior could be a genic disorder inherited from his father. Since Damon’s father was abusive to his wife, therefore Damon shows the same actions and behavior. Damon acquired his father’s DNA at birth this caused him to grow up and be abusive to his wife. His hormones also could very well explain his behavior and the abuse. This behavior will be also likely to be passed down to Damon’s
Because of his pressures and cultural influences at the bar, Damon gets into conflicts with his girlfriend. All these issues that Damon faces also causes his run-ins with the law. Since bars are notorious for fights and overall a place with poorly behaved people, thus is the main cause for Damon’s behavior issues. The biological perspective assumes that human behavior and thought processes have a biological basis. It focuses on the body and especially the brain and nervous system. Biology include investigation into biochemistry of behavior associated with hormones, genetics and heritability. The biological perspective relies on scientific methods. Because of this, its scope of investigation is limited to variables that can be controlled. In the case of Damon, psychologist would argue that his behavior could be a genic disorder inherited from his father. Since Damon’s father was abusive to his wife, therefore Damon shows the same actions and behavior. Damon acquired his father’s DNA at birth this caused him to grow up and be abusive to his wife. His hormones also could very well explain his behavior and the abuse. This behavior will be also likely to be passed down to Damon’s