For example, when Lennie and George are walking in the blazing heat to find new jobs on the ranch, Lennie asks, “Where we goin, George?” to which George angrily replies, “So you forgot that awready, did you? I gotta tell you again, …show more content…
In his curiousity, Lennie picks a dead mouse up and takes it with him to pet it. George finds out and angrily inquires, “You gonna give me that mouse, or do I have to sock you?”(8). Lennie dejectedly gives it to him, saying, “I don't know why I can't keep it” and “his lip started quivering and there were tears in his eyes.”(9). George ends up feeling bad and later explains to him why he can't keep[ the mouse, saying, “That mouse ain’t fresh, Lennie”(9). In this case Lennie’s behavior, such as when he asks why he can't keep it, and when his “lips started quiverin’ ” and when there were “tears are in his eyes”, is noticeably childlike. Steinbeck does a great job likening Lennie’s attitude to that of a child in this passage. So Lennie’s behavior, coupled with George's stress about finding work, leads to George’s anger being directed towards Lennie. Again, this is clear when he says he will “sock” or punch Lennie if he doesn't give the mouse to George. Overall, Lennie’s recurrent childlike behavior and attitude again shows how his way of thinking is more simple than George’s, which poses problems to him being an adult in the real