21 years old, adult, female, single
Date Tested: April 25, 2013
Ordinal Position: youngest among four siblings
Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM)
Science Research Associates (SRA)
Edwards Personality Preference Schedule (EPPS)
Guillford Zimmerman Temperament Survey (GZTS)
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Rhodes Sentence Completion Test (RSCT)
Draw A Person Test (DAPT)
House Tree Person Test (HTPT)
Luscher Color Test (LCT)
Bender Gestalt Visual Motor Test (BGVMT)
E.C. was given RPM to measure her abstract thought processes, she obtained an above average score in an abstract test depicting her ability to interpret non-verbal cues and suggests an ability to discern the similarities and differences between objects and establish a relationship to form a unified whole. On the other hand, she has a below average score in quantitative and language test. This implies that she has inefficiently in term of linguistic and quantitative, poor in verbal, numerical, logical reasoning, analyzation, vocabulary and indicates that when accomplishing tasks, she performs slowly than average students. Moreover, she is capable of following instructions however more time is needed for her to be able to finish her task. She displays a slow-paced attitude and likely to pause for a rest after some activities. She obtained a low score in order, which implies that she tends to be unorganized, and unable to make plans before starting on a difficult task and according to her, she would rather to sleep first than to do plan ahead. She admits in her RSCT, that she is a lazy person and oftentimes, she comes late. Her low score in endurance implies that she gives up easily whether it is a task or problems in which she perceives that she can’t solve or overcome it. This may be the cause of her low productivity in completing tasks. Her low score in