Value: 7.5%
Due date: Friday, October 4th (6pm, MDT – Submit into the dropbox on moodle) - **No late submissions will be accepted**
Instructions: After completing Part 1, complete the Personality Group Summary Sheet by getting the information from your group members. Then answer the questions for this assignment, as contained in Part 2.
Part 1: Personality Inventory
Complete the personality assessments
“What’s My Basic Personality?”
“What is MY Jungian 16 Type?
“Am I a Type A?”
These assessments may be accessed in either the Self-Assessment (green) book, or through MyOBLab:
1) Green Book: “What’s MY Basic Personality” (page 1); “What is MY Jungian 16 type?” (page 3); “Am I a Type A?” (page 8)
Part 2: “So What?”…
Answer the following questions, based on your results from your own Personality Inventory and Group Summary Sheet.
1. With regard to your MBTI type (Jungian 16 Type), do you think the results are an accurate reflection of your personality? Explain, using each of the factors (I.e.: Introvert vs. Extrovert, Sensor vs. Intuitive, Thinker vs. Feeler and Judger vs. Perceiver), providing specific examples of incidents from your life/personal behaviour which support your conclusions. Your answer must demonstrate an understanding of the types. Use the information in both your text and Self-Assessment library (green book) to help you in the formulation of your answers. Remember to be thorough/complete in your answer.
2. Consider the mix of each of the MBTI types in your group.
a. How many introverts, extroverts, sensors, intuitives, perceivers, judgers, etc. are in your group?
b. What are the positive aspects for the mix of each category within your group (I.e.: given the mix of personality types – intuitives, sensors, etc.?)
c. What challenges might you expect to face, given your collective results?
3. What is the mix of Type A and Type B in your group?