Krista M. Dortch
BEH 225
June 16, 2013
Tracy Doro-Krueger
Personality Assessment Final Project
There are many people in the world today. With each person comes a different personality and personality type. Each individual has different things that contribute to thier personalities and their attitudes. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing a man names James R. Dortch Jr. He is 27 years old about 5'7 and weighs about 148 pounds. He is white non-Hispanic and from Fresno California. He is currently a staff sergeant in the United States Army. I had the pleasure of asking him some questions about his personality and his attitudes. In this paper we are going to explore his answers and compare them to my own answers to the same questions.
The first question that i asked Mr. Dortch was ," Do you learn information more accurately if you observe the behavior being performed or do you prefer to read how the behavior is to be performed? " Mr. Dortch responded by saying, " I likes to see the behavior being performed in order to retain the information most accurately. If I read it I can get the basic concepts, but if I sees it being performed I feel that I get the bigger picture and can retain it better."
Now if I were to answer the same question I would say that I learn better when I am able to see the behavior being preformed. When I read about the behavior I tend to lose interest and I have a hard time visualizing what is actually supposed to be done. It also takes me longer to learn the behavior if I read it rather than when I am able to see it being preformed and am possibly able to try to perform it myself.
The second question that I asked Mr. Dortch was, " Do you prefer to study in a library setting or at home with some background noises and distractions?” When asked this question Mr. Dortch stated that he prefers a quiet library setting if the material in which he is studying is strictly academic material. However,