Classical Rhetoric8. Cognitive Dissonance theory9. Computer Mediated Communication10. Contextual Design11. Coordinated Management of Meaning12. Cultivation Theory13. Dependency Theory14. Diffusion of Innovations Theory15. Domestication16. Elaboration Likelihood Model17. Expectancy Value Theory18. Framing19. Gatekeeping20. Health Belief Model21. Hypodermic Needle Theory22. Information Theories23. Knowledge Gap24. Language Expectancy Theory25. Media Richness Theory26. Medium Theory27. Mental Models28. Minimalism29. Model of Text Comprehension30. Modernization Theory31. Network Theory and Analysis32. Priming
Protection Motivation Theory34. Psycho-Linguistic Theory35. Reduces Social Cues Approach36. Semiotic Theories37. Social Cognitive Theory38. Social Identity Model of Deindivuation Effects39. Social Presence Theory40. Social Support41. Speech Act42. Spiral of Silence43. System Theory44. Theory of Planned Behavior/ Reasoned Action45. Transactional Model of Stress and Coping46. Two Step Flow Theory47. Uncertainty Reduction Theory48. Uses and Gratifications Approach
See also Mass Media & Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing and ConsumerBehavior.
A tactic for persuading people by forcing them in a social role, so that they will beinclined to behave according to that role.
History and orientation
Although the term altercasting is used quite frequently, it is not a very well-known or elaborated theory of persuasion.
Core assumptions
When a person accepts a certain social role, a number of social pressures arebrought to bear to insure that the role is enacted. The
References: ratkanis, A. R. (2000). Altercasting as an influence tactic. In D. J. Terry & M. A.Hagg (Eds.), Attitudes, behaviour and social context: the role of norms and groupmembership (pp. 201-226). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Ass. important subject on universities and colleges. Textbooks appeared on ‗Principles of Argumentation‘ (Pierce, 1895). In the 1960s and 1970s Perelman and Toulmin were the most influential writers on argumentation ing (ordecreasing) the acceptability of a controversial standpoint for the listener or reader,by putting forward a constellation of propositions intended to justify (or refute) the standpoint before a rational judge‘ (Van Eemeren et al, 1996) The Uses of Argument (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1958).