DYFS as stated on their website is "is focused on strengthening families and achieving: safety, well-being and permanency for all New Jersey's children.". The problem is the case overload that has accumulated for DYFS and ACS alike. Reporting is I believe one of its first major struggles. Many extreme cases are not reported until its too late or vice versa, cases that are not of importance can be reported. For example, my adolescent cousin cut his bangs, fairly short where it was noticeable. He went to school the next day and when questioned by a teacher he responded my dad did it. Sure enough less than 24 hours later there was a case worker at the house questioning the family. Was that necessary? I don't believe so. A case worker was spending valuable time with a child that was no in no way being maltreated when there could have been a child that was. DYFS and ACS also suffer from a shortage of helpful solutions. Overcrowding of foster homes, that can also prove to be a place of maltreatment anyway, lack of follow up in cases and lack of counseling services all attribute to the ongoing struggle to decrease or eliminate child maltreatment.
I believe that with increased federal aid DYFS and ACS can improve its efforts. Overworked and overwhelmed employees can not continue to function under these circumstances. The first step is to assess its employees more than twice a year. If someone is not performing to the best of their abilities action must be taken against them in order to be able to reach those children that are in need of their services. Implementation after contact with family is crucial. It does nothing to