Investigation -
975643X (Maddi Sellick)
Our investigation focuses on violence in the media and the affects that it has on viewers that watch it, a person’s heart rate can be monitored to see if watching certain films will affect the viewers. We predict that violence in the media does not affect an audience.
To support the hypothesis we will conduct an experiment using a sample group of Yr.11 students which attend Westminster school. Three different varied films will be shown for 3 minutes, Educating Rita, Braveheart and Bugsy Malone. During each film heart rates will be taken at the half-way point and the end to get qualitative results.
The independent variable in this experiment is the actual violence viewed by the audience and the dependent variable is the heart rate that will be recorded by the participants. The data that is found will be analysed to support the hypothesis, this will be done using graphs.
Words: 150
This SACE approved research program was conducted to investigate the effects of violent and aggressive films on a collection of Year 11 Psychology students. We hypothesize that violence in the media does not affect an audience.
To support our hypothesis an experiment was conducted using a class of Year 11 psychology students, where they were exposed to three film clips (Educating Rita, Brave Heart and Bugsy Malone). As the participants viewed these exerts, their heart rates were recorded during and at the conclusion of each clip to determine any changes in heart rate levels.
The data that was found and used in this experiment is quantitative data. Our results are displayed in a bar graph using the mean value for each gender.
Words: 162
The hypothesis of this experiment was that violence in the media does not affect an audience; this was supported through the results found throughout the duration of the experiment. The results showed little to no