For Unit seven project, I will define, analyze and examine my understanding of the genetic and environmental factors that influence personality. Then I will answer the following four short-essay questions which will consists of 200 – 300 words, that will help me find the best solutions using my assessment skills. For the first question, I will discuss what the relationship is between cognition and personality and explain how biological and environmental factors can shape our cognitive processes. In addition, an example that shows how a person’s cognitive processes can shape some aspect of personality will be provided. Secondly, I will explain and provide examples, when necessary, of how evolutionary, biological/genetic and environmental variables can result in the development of an aggressive personality. Thirdly, I will discuss how parents are influential in a child’s personality in relation to evolutionary, biological/genetic and behavioral theories. Further, examples will be provided to illustrate how each of the aforementioned models relates to parenting and children’s personality development. Then, I will discuss what self efficacy is and how it relates to personality. In furtherance, I will discuss what “nature” and “nurture” factors contribute to one’s self efficacy and provide examples when it is appropriate to do so. All the aforementioned findings will be submitted in a word project. Upon completion of this project, I will submit it to Kaplan University drop box. Both cognition and personality development follow a similar path in that they both follow a timetable of development that expresses milestones in development at similar times in relation to a child’s cognition and personality growth. A shy person is thought to be related to a biologically based temperament although there are theorists like Staats who challenge the aforementioned (Cloninger, Allen, Friedman and Schustack, 2008, p. 364).
References: Allen, B. & Cloninger, S & Friedman, H. & Schustack, M, (2010). Past and Present Views on Personality. Custom Edition for Kaplan University. Pearson Custom Publishing. Jones, T.L., and Prinz (2005). Potential roles of parental self – efficacy in parent and child adjustment. Schmidt, L.A., Fox, N.A., Rubin, K.H., Hu, S., and Hamer,D.H. (2002). Molecular genetics of shyness and aggression in preschoolers. Personality and Individual differences. Schultz, D.P., Schultz, S.E., (2008). History of Psychology. Children and T.V. violence Retrieved on September 17th, 2011 from the website: EHow/How to Videos, Articles and More – Trusted Advice for the Curious Life. Retrieved on September 17th, 2011, from the website: (Schunk, D. H., Meece, J.L.). Self efficacy. Retrieved on September, 18th, 2011, from the website