The essay will commence by highlighting different forms of aggression by means of outlining two approaches namely Biological and Behaviourism. Examples of experiments and case studies will be used to illustrate both theories, whilst reflecting the controversial nature verse nurture debate. The essay will then conclude by discussing similarities, differences as well as strengths and weaknesses of the two perspectives.
Here I talked a little about aggression in society
Society today is dominated by violence and aggression. Domestic violence and slaying of innocent citizens are among the most aired through media, similarly, trusted animals being eradicated because of their aggressive attacks on their owners. This augment in aggression has prompted psychologists around the globe to experiment using various scientific studies of the brain and observable behaviour to determine the cause for aggression. Thus, this essay will take a more in depth look into two of the main psychological study areas of aggression through Biological and Behaviourism.
Here I introduced the Biological Approach
Biological Psychologists believe behaviour such as aggression is inherited and has an evolutionary function. Humans have inherited a fighting instinct