Abraham Maslow established the hierarchy of needs, based on his belief that biological and psychological needs not yet satisfied were human motivators (Hockenbury, Chapter 8, 2014). Abraham Maslow expressed that once certain needs at a certain level were satisfied, people eventually advance to the next levels until they reach the need to achieve self actualization, which is the development to the full stature in which one is capable (Hockenbury, Chapter 8, 2014). Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs consisted of three levels of needs- basic, psychological, and self-fulfillment. The basic needs is the lowest and consists of physiological and safety needs. The next is psychological needs, which consists of belongingness, love, and esteem needs. Self-fulfillment is the last and consists of self –actualization (Hockenbury, Chapter 8, 2014).
Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs does make sense to a certain extent. Maslow and I share similar beliefs in the sense that I do believe that people can be motivated to satisfy certain needs that causes them to strive for more eventually. Contrary to Maslow, I believe that the needs can fall in a different order. Everyone does not have the same priorities. Abraham Maslow assumed this is a general prediction but I believe he cannot predict that this is the perspective for every person because of different lifestyles, cultures, and backgrounds of all people. I also believe that people do not have to acquire all of the needs that he listed to gain self-fulfillment. Plenty of people are content with their lives although they have not been able to achieve everything they are capable of doing. I can see how this perspective caused so much controversy, but this outlook has made a big impact on psychology today.
Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behavior
References: Hockenbury D.H.& Hockenbury S.E. (2014) Discovering psychology (6th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers. Greene, Lloyd & Burke, George. Beyond Self-actualization (Fall, 2007). Journal of Health and Human Services Administration 30.2, 116-28 Kendra Cherry. (2013).What is Motivation. Retrieved Sep 25, 2013, from http://psychology.about.com/od/mindex/g/motivation-definition.htm