August 27th, 2013
Developmental History of Timothy
Timothy was born on March 12th 2005 in Little Rock, Arkansas at UAMS Medical Center. At birth, he weighed 2.2 kilograms and his length was 44 centimeters. He is currently the only child. Tim’s parents were never married. Tim was born at term to a single mother Jacklyn who was 22 years old and had just dropped out of Pulaski technical college. Her pregnancy was complicated due to extensive alcohol use during the first half of her pregnancy. During the second half of Tim’s gestation, Tim’s mother stopped drinking although she still smoked half a packet of cigarettes each day. The pregnancy was further complicated by stress from physical abuse by her boyfriend, although this abuse never led to medical assessment during the pregnancy.
Tim was born with respiratory problems and was described as small for gestational age. Tim received a nutritional evaluation at the hospital to determine what nutrients he required to help him get healthy enough to be able to leave the hospital. Tim was also born with an inguinal hernia that was repaired when he was nine months old. Tim’s mother was unable to breast feed within the first month and therefore had to result to baby formula. Tim’s body rejected the baby formula for the first six month but through various consultations with the pediatric specialist at UAMS they were able to get Tim on a stable formula. Tim also had chronic problems with otitis media until he reached age three, though he never had any documented hearing loss. Despite these problems, he had been in overall good health.
Tim received all his immunization shots on schedule. Tim was also cared for by his grandmother, aunt and on occasion Jaclyn’s best friend Joan. Jacklyn being the sole provider of her family had to work two part-time jobs to pay the bills and support Tim. Tim was a very happy baby. He did not reject strangers neither did he cry when his mother