Objective I.1
Define psychology: the science of behavior and mental processes.
|Margin Learning Question(s) (if applicable) |Page(s) |
|None | |
Key Terms
Psychology: the science of behavior and mental processes.
1. Put a check mark by each statement that is true regarding psychology. __X_ Psychologists study human behavior. __X___ Psychologists study animal behavior. ____X_ Psychologists study emotions and mental processes. _____ Psychology and "common sense" lead to the same conclusions about behavior and mental processes. _____ Psychology is not a science.
Objective I.2
Define the scientific method, and explain how it is used in psychology? Psychologists use the scientific method to evaluate competing ideas; find relationship of variables by collecting data
|Margin Learning Question(s) (if applicable) |Page(s) |
|1.2 What processes do scientists use to answer questions about behavior and mental processes (pp. 7-8)? | |
Key Terms
scientific method -A self-correcting process for asking questions and observing natures answers; relies on collecting data, generating a theory to explain, producing testable hypothesis based on the theory and then testing those hypotheses empirically.
1. What is the main purpose of the scientific method? The scientific method proves or disproves competing ideas. Scientists make careful observations and therapies which are revised based on new observations .
2. The steps of the scientific method are (1) identify a problem or research question, (2) design a study, (3) collect data, (4)