For middle adulthood which lasts from age 34 all the way to 60 years old is generativity versus stagnation. In very basic terms this is a battle of deciding if you wish to pass things down to the next generation versus living a life that has a lack of growth. Newman and Newman (2014) define generativity as encompassing procreativity, productivity, and creativity, and thus the generation of new beings, as well as o new products and new ideas, including a kind of self-generation concerned with further identity development. They go on to explain that it is formed as a result of experiences of maintaining the world, nurturing and being concerned, and caring. Newman and Newman (2014) also explain stagnation. It defines as a lack of psychological movement or growth. Those unable to cope with managing a household, raising children, or managing their career are likely to feel psychological stagnation at the end of middle adulthood. They continue to explore it more by adding that stagnation is seen as an absence of investment in the growth of self or others and a rejection of ideas and values that differ from one’s …show more content…
This is very important as each generation in a society should pass their knowledge and skills down to help the next beings in this society thrive as much as possible. If we are all in stagnation or victims of rejectivity we will not pass anything down and our whole society will eventually become stagnated and will never be able to move forward. So it is very important we all care for other people and try to create as many loving relationships as possible and pass things down to the next age group so one day they may do the same to another group of beings. Through the creativity of people especially the ones who are passing down knowledge is important. With new inventions or things of that sort we are able to learn how to do things better with less error and can help out the future of the planet and the beings on