Health and Safety at Work Act (1974): states that learners and employees (pupils and teachers, for example) are legally entitled to a safe and healthy environment. This responsibility for compliance rests not just with the organisation but also with the teacher.
Equality Act (2010): states that it is unlawful to discriminate against a person on the grounds of race, colour, disability, gender, age, sexual preference or any other similar circumstance. An legal requirement of teaching practice is the promotion of inclusion.
Human Rights Act (1998): gives all people basic human rights.
Data Protection Act (1998): states that all personal information held on record must be protected, strictly controlled in line with regulations and must be obtained, stored, disclosed and disposed of in line with strict guidelines.
Freedom of Information Act (2000): gives students the right to request to see information an organisation holds about them.
Copyright Design and Patents Act (1988): relates to the copying, adapting and distributing of materials - very relevant when preparing classroom resources.
Education and Skills Act (2008): aimed at increasing participation in learning for young people and adults.
Children’s Act 2004: this ensures that every child is given the support they need, whatever their background or circumstances, by professionals working together in the best interests of the child. The ‘Every Child Matters’ framework takes a holistic approach towards the welfare of children.
Protection of Children Act (1999): designed to protect children, particularly in terms of suspected child abuse. Also imposes the