Geona Adams
New Tech @ Zion Benton East
12/15/2012 |
My topic that I chose for my essay is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I chose this topic because it always interested me. It was interesting the way people acted towards certain things around them. I assumed that there would be only a few treatments for PTSD like group therapy. I did not expect to find as many treatments as I did. The research went over my expectations. I found my sources on Ebsco. I just typed in PTSD and psychotherapies.
PTSD is a type of an anxiety disorder. It might occur after having a traumatic experience that involves injury or death. There are three categories for the symptoms of PTSD. There is reliving, avoidance, and arousal. In reliving symptoms you have flashbacks, frequent memories of the event, nightmares of the event and, reactions to situations that remind you of the event. For avoidance symptoms you feel emotional "numbing," or feeling like you don't care about anything anymore, feeling separated, being unable to remember important aspects of the trauma, be short of interest in normal activities, avoid places, people, or thoughts that remind you of the event and, feel like you have no future. The last type of symptoms is arousal. For arousal symptoms you have hard times concentrating, you are startled easily, you over exaggerate things when you are startled, you get angry and have outburst, and have troubles with falling or staying asleep at night. There is a variety of events that can cause PTSD. Assault, domestic abuse, a prison stay, rape, terrorism, war and etc. can cause PTSD. PTSD can occur at any age and to anyone who experienced a traumatic event. PTSD is becoming quite common because of the war that we are going through and all the violence in the world.
Around 19 percent of Vietnam veterans have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at some point after their service in the war. There are a variety