The Assessment is an essential part of the learning process. I t allows you as a teacher to see if your learners are progressing and recognise any areas of weakness. 'Assessment serves many different purposes. It can grade the attainment of learners, help select candidates or future courses, contribute to evidence on the effectivness of courses and teachers, and provide a long term goal for learners '. Petty, G (2004). When delivering a course that it is accredited it is vital that assessment takes place as this will be outlined in the accreditation. By outlining the assessment guidelines for the course you are delivering you are making everyone feel included as by telling them what they are expected to achieve.
There are lots of different ways that assessment can happen, some courses are flexible on what methods they will take for assessment for example, written work, demonstrations, and voice recordings, this is often seen when doing an accredited course. This is great for the learner as it gives them a chance to work the assessment to their advantage and use skills that they are better at to gain their qualification.
Learners with visual impairments will require assistance with written assignments, or if there is an exam at the end of the course. A scribe maybe used to write down the answers of the learner so assessment can be marked.
Learners that have English as a second language will find that summative assessments can be difficult, it is important that you explain to the learner that support will be given in the form of a interpreter, so that they have the same chance as any other learner to pass the assessment.
Again holding an in depth induction with your learner will help identify what support you need to make the assessment process inclusive for all learners no matter what ability or level they learn at.
Petty, G. (2004) A practical guide to
References: Petty, G. (2004) A practical guide to teaching today. 3rd edition.