Public health surveillance is a ceaseless uninterrupted process involving the collection, analysis and interpretation of health related data for the purpose of planning, implementation and evaluation of public health programs (world health organisation, 2015). This data can be used for both communicable and non-communicable diseases. Surveillance is important because it gives the required information which is necessary to take public health action and for the planning of also serves as an early warning system, and direct policy makers towards public health emergencies (world health organisation 2015). This piece of paper would discuss the HIV surveillance in Australia. How the system is working across Australia and how much HIV surveillance system has improved through this process. Surveillance is being used for the different diseases for which public health action is required. There are two main types of public health surveillance.
Population based surveillance
Sentinel surveillance
In HIV surveillance, both types are being used to cope with HIV. First step in HIV surveillance is how data is collected.
Data collection
According to (Department of health, 2015) “National surveillance for newly diagnosed HIV infection is coordinated by the Kirby …show more content…
Lots of public health actions have been taken by concerned authorities which include Burnet institutes which involves in running different projects. Furthermore different campaigns have been launched to overcome the HIV Aids like SNP and campaign to minimise the discrimination of HIV individuals, and to improve HIV surveillance system. By taking into consideration, all these factors Australian HIV surveillance system is performing well and moving ahead with new advanced